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Ceylon Street Traders - A Morning Meal
Working Elephants in Ceylon c1905
Egypt Mussel Fishers - Pecheurs des Moules
Ouled Nails Girl
Jeune Femme Marocaine
INDIA Woman Selling Chatties - Ethnic c.1905
INDIA Famine Stricken Victims c.1905
INDIA Derak Dancing Girls at their toilet. Posted 1912
INDIA A Kathiawar Home. Posted 1911
INDIA Bullock Cart
INDIA Bullock Cart
INDIA Street Barbers
INDIA 'Jugglers' Snake Charmers
INDIA The Village Well. Collecting Water
Ceylon Singhalese Women
Africa Bedouine Woman
Algeria Ouled Nail Woman Smoking
Panama Darien Indians Topless Family Group
Algeria Berber Girl with Henna Tatoo
Filipino Woman Carrying Water
Kyoto Hanauri
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